Just a few books out of our extensive library collection ...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Bird Dogs ~ Their History and Achievements" ~ by A. F. Hochwalt, 1922

While this book covers all types of Pointing Dogs, such as Pointers and Gordon Setters, the English Setter section is provocative and compelling.

Written by A. F. Hochwalt, and published in 1922 by Sportsman's Digest, the author gives an eye witness account of the state of breeding, bird dogs and field trial and bench competitions in his time. While he may have had his own personal biases, we found the writing to be fair and even-handed through-out.

At times, Hochwalt is clearly and perhaps understandably dismayed at the behavior of the "purists" and "fashion-mindedness" of a number of the English Setter breeders of his era. It would seem some things never change in the American English Setter world and Hochwalt gives a compelling eye witness account and history of the American English Setter world as he has personally seen it.

Excerpts from Chapter 11: "The Pillars of Our Working Setters Prominent Families" can be found in the "Fetters Setters ~ Literature Warehouse" by using this link.

We have also excerpted an interesting and compelling portion of Chapter 4 ~ "Variations" in the "Fetters Setters ~ Literature Warehouse" which can be easily accessed by clicking this link.

We have published the excerpts word-for-word in an effort to give our readers an unbiased and factual look into the writings of this particular author in this particular book. Hochwalt also authored other books including "The Pointer and Setter in America," "The Modern Pointer," "The Modern Setter," "The Working Dog and His Education" among others.

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